Saturday, August 29, 2009


Last night was the first Mesa High football game of the season! It was incredible-the bleachers were packed, the players were ready, and we won 21-7! In case you don't know, Mesa High is the best, most unique, and most spirited high school in the entire world. We stood cheering the entire time, and would have cheered our team on even if we weren't winning. Our game made the news on three channels, chosen game of the week on one of them, and was featured in today's newspaper. Once again, I love my school because it always has been one to be proud of. Go Jackrabbits!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back into the Swing of Things

Goodness the last few days of school have been a lot all at once. (and that's why it's been so long since I've updated!) I am thoroughly enjoying every single one of my classes, challenging and easy alike. I love all of my teachers...a first in years...and am ready to learn this year. My AP Chemistry class will certainly keep me on my toes mentally and my aerobics class will do the same physically. US History is a breeze and Trig is just another math class. Spanish four- si, soy muy loca-requires a little work and practice, and Seminary is amazing as always. AA English has been off to a good start-a much better pace than last year. With all of these classes, though, I have to have an A Hour...and it is really really early. But school is going to be amazing. I do not doubt the truth in the saying "Junior year is the hardest", but I firmly believe it is the best. At least I don't have a job to juggle too...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Whack it off!

I got my hair cut today! And I love it. It's shorter than I expected, but it looks fantastic! And it is so much lighter (weight wise- I must have lost ten pounds that way) and it's better for the AZ summer...Wish I'd done it sooner. I know it looks just as long as it was, but it really is shorter. The longest is really the back which is the same length as the shortest used to be.