Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Humor to the second power

He he he he. Nerd funnies...Alisha told me to look at these shirts on mentalfloss.com and I about died laughing...

Kudos if you understand these ones. These are my most favorite!

Who can explain the soap one to me?
I've never read Macbeth.


  1. Those are some great shirts. I love me some good quality puns!

  2. Woo-hoo! That was awesome. And your favorites are my favorites. Go nerds!

    And the handsoap is because she spent an awfly long time washing the "damn spot."

  3. ha ha ha I get it now!

  4. OUT OUT Damn-ed Spot... I liked Macbeth. Half of the other ones I didn't have a clue. Yeah, your favorites. Im retarded or its been way to long since i was in a math class. Or both.
