Lately I've been letting my creative side shine a little (this is why it's been so long since I've blogged.) It all started July 16, 1955 when my mom was born. Then on July 19, 1976 my oldest sister Margie was born, and on July 18,1978 , my second sister Emily was born. Then, two years ago, on July 20, my nephew Reed was born. These events combined created our family's July birthday week. So all last week I was getting ready for our super-duper enormous celebrations last weekend. That's what led to the extreme sugar rush and the need for more than twenty band-aids...
For my mom and sisters for their birthdays, I decided I would make mosaic stained glass covered vases/candleholders. The one in the picture above shows the one for Margie (It's the only one I've finished so far!). It's a fairly simple process, and really fun, but where there's glass there's usually broken skin and a little blood (I'm proud of the cuts all over my fingers though!). I enjoyed choosing the shapes of the vases and glass colors for everyone to match thier personalities. They all seemed to love them, even though they still aren't finished.
As for the sugar, I helped my talented older sister Amanda make a cake for Reedy. His absolute favorite movies are Thomas the Tank Engine...so we made a Thomas cake. It was a two-car train pulled by Thomas, the first car full of candy toys and presents that I made(the Tootsie Roll bears are my favorite!). I also helped to sculpt Sir Topham Hatt, ducks for the pond, and the green Rice Krispie trees. It was so much fun. And we ate so much of the candy and extra cake that we had a great sugar rush. Nan has officially named me her "detail person" for her cakes. I love it- and I have so much fun with it. I don't usually have the chance to be this creative.
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