Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where has the last month gone?

Schoolwork ate up my time...and evidently so did my break from schoolwork. This week was October Break...and I guess it kept me busy! I've been working on my quilt for Young Women's, keeping Reed and Abram entertained, reading, and NOT doing schoolwork because I didn't have any (a rare occasion). I did, however, have to take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) this morning-and I'm still recovering. I worried for a long while before the test, but I ultimately made it through, and I'm feeling pretty confident about it. I want my scores now, but I have to wait till December.

Last week was Homecoming- Spirit Week, Bonfire, Assembly, Parade, Carnival, Game, and Dance-in that order. I participated in all but one of them-bet you can guess which one. Spirit Week was great- I paraded around school as a pirate on Tuesday(argh!), a cavewoman on Wednesday (ugh!), a lion on Thursday (rawr!), and a linebacker on Friday (unintentionally of course-my Mesa High jersey plus my broad shoulders equals linebacker). Thursday night was the enormous bonfire. Friday was the Assembly (awesome) and early release (awesomer) that made all of our classes 20 minutes long each (awesomest). The parade was right after school, and the carnival followed the parade. The game was great-needless to say we beat Desert Vista! I really wanted to go to the dance on Saturday, but I never got asked and I didn't really want to go alone. So I got to hang out with Nan. We went to Chili's and laughed at our bald waiter whose name was either Steve or Phil. Then we rented movies and took them back to Nan's.

I was really hoping for a last-minute date to Homecoming but, it never happened. Oh well, it's long over now. At least I have Winter Formal to look forward to-December 12...and that's girl-ask-guy. Just two more months and it will be: Winter Formal, My 17th Birthday, Christmas, Halfway Through the School Year, the New Year, Results from the PSAT...I could go on forever.
I'm excited for it all...even the schoolwork.

Oops...I kind of went crazy with the ellipses...My English teacher would be proud of me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Humor to the second power

He he he he. Nerd funnies...Alisha told me to look at these shirts on and I about died laughing...

Kudos if you understand these ones. These are my most favorite!

Who can explain the soap one to me?
I've never read Macbeth.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

On a Roll

GO RABBITS! We are currently 3-0. Last night's score was 28-6! Take that warriors!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rabbits Crush Warriors

TOMORROWS HEADLINE! We play our rival Westwood tonight. And we're going to win our game against them for the seventeenth year in a row (knock on wood). I can't wait!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Last night's game score! We won against Dobson. Go Rabbits! Not much else to update on.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Last night was the first Mesa High football game of the season! It was incredible-the bleachers were packed, the players were ready, and we won 21-7! In case you don't know, Mesa High is the best, most unique, and most spirited high school in the entire world. We stood cheering the entire time, and would have cheered our team on even if we weren't winning. Our game made the news on three channels, chosen game of the week on one of them, and was featured in today's newspaper. Once again, I love my school because it always has been one to be proud of. Go Jackrabbits!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back into the Swing of Things

Goodness the last few days of school have been a lot all at once. (and that's why it's been so long since I've updated!) I am thoroughly enjoying every single one of my classes, challenging and easy alike. I love all of my teachers...a first in years...and am ready to learn this year. My AP Chemistry class will certainly keep me on my toes mentally and my aerobics class will do the same physically. US History is a breeze and Trig is just another math class. Spanish four- si, soy muy loca-requires a little work and practice, and Seminary is amazing as always. AA English has been off to a good start-a much better pace than last year. With all of these classes, though, I have to have an A Hour...and it is really really early. But school is going to be amazing. I do not doubt the truth in the saying "Junior year is the hardest", but I firmly believe it is the best. At least I don't have a job to juggle too...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Whack it off!

I got my hair cut today! And I love it. It's shorter than I expected, but it looks fantastic! And it is so much lighter (weight wise- I must have lost ten pounds that way) and it's better for the AZ summer...Wish I'd done it sooner. I know it looks just as long as it was, but it really is shorter. The longest is really the back which is the same length as the shortest used to be.

Monday, July 27, 2009

On My Doorstep Again

Hunter showed up on my doorstep again...and it was kind of awesome. He brought me cookies that he had made himself... :D And he was really nice to me this morning when I was texting him. I told him the cookies he made were fantastic...and he replied "Oh, thanks...And by the way, I wanted to say sorry for all the mean things I've done to u...I was kinda a jerk. I'm really sorry. I'm trying to be nice now...Like seriously I was very immature with the jalepenos and all the prank calls and rude comments. But you were never mean to me so I'm sorry." I replied that I forgave him a long time ago and he said "Oh that's so sweet of you" and I said "It's sweet of you too". And these are direct joke. I've been really happy all day now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Guy on My Doorstep

Ha ha yes it's true. But this time it was Hunter Hoopes begging me for a copy of the English Summer Assignment previously mentioned. According to him, he wasn't there when we got it in class last May. And with only 3 weeks left until school starts he's just now worrying about getting a copy of it. Ha ha ha. I admit I've had a slow start on the summer assignment myself, but at least I made sure I had a copy before school got out, and I'm actually working on it. Oh well...I was glad to help him, I'm pretty much glad to help anybody with anything. And he did say he would bring me cookies or something some time. (That's always a plus...)

Yes, I know I'm a nerd

I don't care what you think...Shakespeare is a genius. Yes, his work is hard to read. Yes, his ideas aren't always the best. Yes, he is a little overrated. But he's still a genius and I still love reading his works. The genius comes in the way he uses words. Here's a brief example:

Lysander: How now, my love! Why is your cheek so pale?
How chance the roses there do fade so fast?
Hermia: Belike for want of rain, which I could well
Beteem them from the tempest of my eyes.

Is that not so much more beautiful than:
Lysander: What's wrong? Why are you so pale?
Hermia: I think I'm going to cry.

I'm currently in the beginning-middleish part of A Midsummer Night's Dream for my English class. And I love it. I feel bad for Helena those of you who have read or seen it know, the guy that she loves (Demetrius) that used to love her, doesn't love her anymore...He wants Hermia (Helena's best friend) now. It makes me want to cry. This is another passage that I like:

Helena:...O, teach me how you look, and with what art
You sway the motion of Demetrius' heart!
Hermia: I frown upon him, yet he loves me still.
Hel: O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill!
Her: I give him curses, yet he gives me love.
Hel: O that my prayers could such affection move!
Her: The more I hate, the more he follows me.
Hel: The more I love, the more he hateth me.
Her: His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine.
Hel: None, but your beauty: would that fault were mine!

Read A Midsummer Night's Dream if you haven't already.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Band-Aids and an Extreme Sugar Rush

Lately I've been letting my creative side shine a little (this is why it's been so long since I've blogged.) It all started July 16, 1955 when my mom was born. Then on July 19, 1976 my oldest sister Margie was born, and on July 18,1978 , my second sister Emily was born. Then, two years ago, on July 20, my nephew Reed was born. These events combined created our family's July birthday week. So all last week I was getting ready for our super-duper enormous celebrations last weekend. That's what led to the extreme sugar rush and the need for more than twenty band-aids...

For my mom and sisters for their birthdays, I decided I would make mosaic stained glass covered vases/candleholders. The one in the picture above shows the one for Margie (It's the only one I've finished so far!). It's a fairly simple process, and really fun, but where there's glass there's usually broken skin and a little blood (I'm proud of the cuts all over my fingers though!). I enjoyed choosing the shapes of the vases and glass colors for everyone to match thier personalities. They all seemed to love them, even though they still aren't finished.

As for the sugar, I helped my talented older sister Amanda make a cake for Reedy. His absolute favorite movies are Thomas the Tank we made a Thomas cake. It was a two-car train pulled by Thomas, the first car full of candy toys and presents that I made(the Tootsie Roll bears are my favorite!). I also helped to sculpt Sir Topham Hatt, ducks for the pond, and the green Rice Krispie trees. It was so much fun. And we ate so much of the candy and extra cake that we had a great sugar rush. Nan has officially named me her "detail person" for her cakes. I love it- and I have so much fun with it. I don't usually have the chance to be this creative.

Give Me Your Tots

Now, I've never been one to brag about my incredible sense of style, but my outfit this morning was impressive. Anyone that saw me walking down the street to take care of the dogs at seven o'clock this morning saw me wearing:
>a worn out green-striped polo shirt
>midnight blue work out shorts
>bright pink and black squishy flip flops
>my scroungy unbrushed hair thrown into a ponytail
>a look on my smeary yesterday's-makeup face that said "I should be sleeping right now, not scooping poo"
>And to top it off: the pictured hat that says "Give Me Your Tots"
I was the image of well-kept perfection. No wonder everyone ran away screaming. I must have blinded them with my awesomeness.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God Bless America

In all this celebrating the independence of our country, I've had some interesting thoughts. At the park program in Thatcher, we all sang the song "God Bless America". One line of the song goes "Stand beside her, and guide her/Through the night with a light from above". As I sang it, I kind of started to cry, and I thought to myself "that is exactly what our country needs right now". We need that guidance from God to remain the free and righteous land we were created to be. Then, on Sunday, we sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" for our closing hymn in church. We sang the not-often-heard third verse that goes like this:
"Oh! thus be it ever, when free men shall stand,
Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation,
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just,
And this be our motto, "In God is our trust."
I had no idea the third verse had such an important message to it. If our country trusts in God, and we are trying to do what's right, we will conquer, we will not fail, because we will have the Lord's help. It also acknowledges that our Heavenly Father had a great part in the creation and preservation of our country. It was not just luck that we gained our freedom. With a message like that in our country's national anthem, how can some believe that we are "a Godless nation"?
Go to my sister Emily's blog for her thoughts that are very similar to mine. What she wrote in her post titled "How's that thread holding?" is incredible. It's the top one on my blog list.

A Fabulous Fourth

I spent the Fourth of July at my grandpa's house. We had so much fun! The small town of Thatcher, AZ certainly holds a huge celebration every year. At 5:30 am the fire department woke everyone up by running the fire trucks with the sirens going all over town. Then they had a patriotic people parade leading to a program at the park(and if that's not alliteration, I don't know what is!). They had music and speeches there, followed by a watermelon and cantelope breakfast, and a hose-off by the fire department. Then, that night, they had a huge fireworks show at the fairgrounds. We had the best seats ever, we were right underneath the fireworks. We could see them setting them off a hundred yards away! There was a ton of ash and debris that kept falling on us!

These aren't the best pictures, but they were taken from my phone, what do you expect?

First-Rate Second Date

I appologize for not updating earlier, but the last few days have been busy. As I mentioned before, I had a date with Jaron on Friday. It was incredible. We doubled with his older sister Becca, the sweetest person in the world, and her date Josh, a guy from my seminary class. We went to the park played around. Jaron and Becca made dinner for us-spaghetti-but they didn't bring plates (intentionally). So they spread out a plastic tablecloth on the picnic table and we ate straight off of it! It was so funny! Then we did ice blocking down the hills and just played around, enjoying the stormy weather. When it got dark and started to rain, we went to Jaron's house and played Phase 10. That's two dates in a row that we've played it. I love that game though. Anyway, it was just so fun. And Jaron was such a gentleman- he opened the car door for me, it was so sweet. I hope I can have more fun dates like that.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I honestly feel so blessed right several areas of my life. And I do know from Whom it all comes.

1. A Source of Income
I don't have a job (yet). I did however run into an opportunity to earn some money last week. A neighbor asked me to take care of her pets while she was away for a week. It was kind of hard work but I earned enough to "hold me over for a while" as my mom put it. I won't say the exact amount, but this is the most I've ever paid in tithing.

2. A Chance to Visit My Grandpa
It's Fourth of July weekend and we're going up to visit my grandpa in Thatcher. They always have a huge Fourth celebration in their small town, everything begining at 6 am. So we thought it would be a good idea to visit my grandpa for a few days and enjoy the festivities on Saturday. I love my grandpa so much and am really excited to see him.

3. A Date
Yes, I am so glad for it. It's been so long since my first date, I was worried I would never have a second. A very nice young man from my Spanish class called me up today. I was so excited. We've tried several times before now to set up a date, but every time one of us has been busy. A date (especially with him) will be an incredible boost to my self esteem.

4. A Way to Go on the Date and to My Grandpa's
The date previously mentioned almost couldn't happen. The plan was to leave for my grandpa's house around 6:00 pm tomorrow (Friday). The date was scheduled for 6:30 pm tomorrow. My parents can't wait for me to be done with my date, and my date couldn't change the time. I was worried I would have to choose, when I really wanted both. But my loving Heavenly Father has blessed me with a chance to have both (even though I don't deserve to get everything I want). My older sister and her family aren't leaving for my grandpa's house until early (2 am) Saturday morning, and they are willing to let me ride with them. They were having trouble deciding when they would leave, and because of other circumstances they chose the time that works out for me.

I do believe thanks are in order.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What's black and white and read all over?

Me in a newspaper ballgown...that's what! It was the funnest mutual activity I've done in a long time. I went to mutual with my older sister who is a young women leader in her ward. The point was to create a modest ball gown for each of the models-I was one of them-out of newspaper and ribbon. It was fantastic. I love the dress...I'm so glad I got pictures of it. It was modeled after Disney's Cinderella dress. Notice the beautiful matching diamond necklace and headband. The newspapers were all from this week, so there were all kinds of pictures of Michael Jackson in it, one of which they taped to my butt. The best was the roasted chicken on my tummy that said "belly up". I loved this activity and would love to do it again.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Funny Picture of the Day

(at Jason's request) Someone's a little dislexic

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Got Color part 2

My room is mostly finished now! I have a picture, it's not very good because I took it with my phone. It's only a small corner of my room, but you get the idea.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I Got Color!

Now that I have Jason's mess all sorted out, I can tell yall what I got on here to tell you. I've been working on painting my room with my mom. A few months ago I decided that the dark purple covering my walls was just a little too dark and decided I wanted to paint. Later when we were at the Target, we found a bed set that was really cool. The comforter is white with lime green, chocolate brown, and about three shades of teal, giant circles. I love it. So i'm in the process of painting the walls- the top part light teal and the bottom darker teal with a brown stripe between them. I love it. The colors are incredible. It is certainly much more soothing than bright purple. It was rather interesting- I got a paper that talks about colors and the meanings and feelings connected with them in my English class last semester. Dark Purple can sometimes cause depression and frustration. Aqua/Teal is a soothing color associated with physical and emotional healing. (who doesn't need some of that sometimes?) Green is the color of growth and prosperity, overall a positive color. Brown denotes a masculine influence. It's all rather interesting that those are the colors I chose and, in a way they are the things I want/need. And its kind of interesting that I was more likely to get frustrated doing homework in my purple room than I was doing it in any other part of the house. It's just fascinating to me that color can mean so much more than you think.
And i just realized he changed the heading too! I never put the "and boys" part. Loser! I am not exactly happy.

Jason is dead!

Hello everyone. I would like to explain to you all that i did not make the last few posts were not made by me but my friend Jason. If he wanted me to post pictures of him on my blog he should have asked. He also changed the background of my blog without my knowledge. My bad for not going on the computer for a week. Hey at least I like the change, but Jason seriously ask next time! Huff! (with exasperation and amusement). At least he didn't change my playlist.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

This picture is from My accident last month, I dont remember how it happened, what type of vehicle it was, or what it looked like.

My friend Jason

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Early morning service activity

This morning I went with my dad to help at the church welfare farm in Coolidge. I was quite a neat experience. I was glad that I had him sign us up. But it was EARLY! We were supposed to start work at 5:30 am, but it took an hour to drive out there, so we had to meet at the church at 4:15 (it was still dark outside!) Then I had to have a few minutes to get ready to go, so I had to get up at 3:45 am! (pretty sure that's a first for me.) We were finished working by 7:30 (usually I don't even get up that early). It was great though. I've been dozing on and off most of the past few hours, but I think I'm caught up on sleep now. In a little while I'm going to go over to Nan's house to watch more Dawson's Creek (she got season 2)! I miss my friends. I hope I can get them to come over for a water fight and weenie roast. That would be so much fun.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Step into the Real World

Today I am going to apply for a job. (Aaah! I don't wanna grow up that much!) Actually I do. I need the money. I'm in debt (don't worry it's only about $30-and I only owe my mom) and there are a lot of things I need, and want, to buy. I've applied at this place before, but they weren't hiring at all and the application expired, so I will have to apply again. I'm excited-it's a pretty easy job with few hours and only a few days a week. My three older sisters all worked at the same place when they were in high school- It's called The Springs, it's a retirement home and I can apply for a job on the wait staff for dinner. Fun, huh? I'm glad though, that I may actually have a chance at getting a job.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Go D-Backs!

Tonight for mutual we are going to the Diamondbacks' Game! I like baseball. It is one of the few sports that I actually understand. I'm not a very competitive person, and have never been very good at sports, but I do enjoy watching them every once in a while. Mesa High football games are probably the most exciting to watch (but that's just because we have the most school spirit out of everyone!) Go Jackrabbits! Purple and Gold! (Even though there won't be another game for a few months!) . That's part of why I'm sad that school's out, I love going to games and other activities. I am glad for the break, though. It was getting kind of hard to keep up. The last few weeks were the worst in terms of work, but the best in terms of friends and socializing. I am glad for the break, but am looking forward to when it starts again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Brief (but maybe rather long) Update

What a week! By summer standards, it was pretty packed (but incredibly fun). I thought that this would probably be the boringest week of the whole summer, but it actually turned out great. As I already said, I had a guy on my doorstep on Monday. I got to babysit Reed all day Tuesday (with Ella's help of course!). My mom came home from her trip to Alabama on Wednesday, and we're all glad she's home. I can't remember Thursday, but I know I did something. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my older sister Amanda shopping for books for her library. We went to Bookman's and along with her books she bought the first season of Dawson's Creek (It was her favorite show when she was my age). So I stayed over at her house last night to watch it. It was pretty good-I was too young to watch it when it was on TV. Then this morning we stripped the stain off of her new bookshelves for her library. That was a first for me, but incredibly fun because we were laughing and joking the entire time. Tomorrow is Sunday, so it should be a lot less busy. Next week I'm going to clean up my room so that we can paint it! Yeah! I'll tell ya more about it as soon as it happens. Who knows? Maybe this summer will turn out to be exciting!

Monday, June 1, 2009

A guy on my doorstep

Summer vacation started less than two weeks ago, and I'm already missing all of my friends. And, since I was at Girls' Camp most of last week, it's been quite a while since I've talked to any of my guy friends. Today, though, I had the surprise of the day when one of them was on my front doorstep. I was on the computer and the doorbell rang. My little sister answered it, and I heard a guy's voice ask "Is Millie here?". My mind raced wondering who it was and what they would possibly be here for. When I got to the door (a whole six steps from the computer) I saw Logan Carroll! I was so glad to see him, but still had no idea what he was here for. And he smelled good. Then he proceeded to tell me that i had left my scripture mastery flash cards from Seminary on the bus, and that he had come to deliver them. We talked a minute more, and he mentioned Boot Camp last week. It really wasn't a huge event today, but it meant a lot to me. So I made him brownies. (its something i do frequently for people I want to thank.)

Girls' Camp Last Week

Girls' Camp last week was fantastic, a little hard, but always great. Those of you that know, know. I learned so much this year, interesting because being a ycl (youth camp leader) I was one to the ones teaching! I think this year I learned a little bit about what the leaders (always fantastic, always caring) go through. Trying to herd and help thirty silly teenage girls for four days has got to be a challenge! Not to mention that sometimes those girls don't have the best attitude about things, due to unpleasant wilderness conditions and lack of sleep. You really have to give the leaders credit for all of that! My only complaint was that i had to do quite a bit of "tent hopping" to accomodate the other girls' wants, so i never really had a "home tent". That and my feet were cold at night. But all that is to be expected and overlooked. Otherwise, I had a great experience.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thanks to Jason

Now that Jason has helped me figure it out, i finally have my first official post. Thank you Jason and hi to all of you reading this. (don't worry my blog won't always be this stupid).